Better Insights. Better Impact.

Who We Are

Nicole Kardell


Nicole is an experienced litigator with expertise in data privacy, cyber security, and AI. She has deep relationships with regulators in U.S. federal agencies including the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Department of Justice (DOJ), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and Office of Inspector General (OIG).
Nicole helps clients spur government action by taking policy issues directly to congressional offices and committees. Using her relationships within Washington, she works with federal agencies to create a market-friendly regulatory environment for her clients.
Nicole serves as Special Counsel at Ifrah law in Washington. She earned her J.D. at the University of Virginia and has a B.A. from the University of Virginia, where she graduated with distinction.

Our Team

NexusOne’s team is the best connected in Washington. Our unrivaled network connects clients with top federal decision makers, guaranteeing results.

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